Meet The Team
Managing Director and Nominated Individual:
Simon Tyler
Registered Service Manager:
Katie Miller
HR & Admin Executive:
Leanne Fraser
In addition, we have access to Specialist Services available on a sessional basis
This currently comprises of;
Consultant Psychiatrist
Consultant Support Psychologist
Senior Assistant Psychologist
Educational Counsellor
Registered Social Workers with specialist skills in Forensic & Mental Health Social Work Trained Counsellors
This Support Team works directly with the Young Person and their Staff Teams to develop, implement and review individual support plans. This includes producing detailed risk assessments and behaviour management strategies.
The Support Team also has the capacity to offer Individual and Group Therapy to Young People.
Who We Support
Here at CURA living we believe that everyone should be provided with opportunities to grow and progress. Our team aim to support young people with a wide range of support needs in order to provide them with the best quality of life. Our specialist staff team are trained to provide person centred care and support to young people who:
- Have Autism
- Have Aspergers
- Have ADHD
- Have other learning disabilities
- Require specific property requirements, such as bungalows, ramps, ground floor flats, grab rails etc
- Are none verbal
- Have epilepsy
- Have varied mental health disorders such as, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, depression and anxiety
- Are transitioning to leaving care
- Have a history of abuse
- Have a history of criminal activity
- Who lack capacity
Our team are highly dedicated to empowering young people from all walks of life and help them work towards independence. We offer safe, non-discriminatory, non-judgemental and holistic support.
Philosophy of Support
At CURA we believe everyone is capable of leading independent meaningful fulfilled lives, we also recognise this journey towards independence is unique and personal to everyone therefore our services are bespoke, person centre and developed in partnership with our young people, their families, carers and significant others.
We are committed and passionate about embedding the principles of Independence into all aspects of our service, both through design and delivery. We aim to nurture our Young Peoples capacity for hope as well as promote creativity, care and compassion.
CURA believe Peer support, working with key partner organisations are all key components of our model of support towards independence.